Cs108 bu. Schedule, Examples & Assignments.
Cs108 bu WebSubmit. Resources Python. It works with Android and iOS Phones and Tablets. Problem Statement CS108 at Boston University for Spring 2024 on Piazza, an intuitive Q&A platform for students and instructors. For example: 1. Points. Books & Software. Students quickly gain expertise with basic BU CS opens search for new faculty members! Distinguished CS Colloquium Talk by Prof. pdf. Title: Microsoft Word - CS108_Assignment_2_Method_Implementation. I built a mock database for my former employer, the Boston University Community Service Center. Write a function initials_only(first_name, last_name) that takes two string parameters Course website for CS108, Boston University. Most of the course materials are available on this site using the CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Spring 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Section A1: Tues and Thurs 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm @ CAS 226 CAS CS108 or CAS CS111 or CDS DS110 or QST BA222: Fall & Spring: BA476 Machine Learning for Business Analytics - 4 units: AC BA IS MK : Junior standing and (CAS CS108, CAS CS111, CDS DS110, or QST BA222) Fall & Spring: BE325 Strategy in the Health and Life Science Sector (formerly PL325) elective for minor | LA SI: Sophomore standing: not Class Meetings & Announcements. A rigorous introduction to programming for students not majoring in computer science. Here is the class grade distribution: CS108 at Boston University for Fall 2024 on Piazza, an intuitive Q&A platform for students and instructors. Tutoring hours (@ the undergrad CS lab): Tue 3:30-5:30pm; Thu 11:00am-12:00pm; and by appointment Course Description CS108 is an introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming in the Python programming Intro. I will provide handouts (free) in class. DUE DATE: TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2004 Learning Objective This assignment will build upon the requirements gathering and initial design you did in assignment 1, and get you started with implementing an application to meet those requirements. g. This course introduces students to the Omer Paneth, omer@bu. We will meet in PSY B53 at 9:00am. 40 points; individual-only Set Up Tasks. BU CAS CS108 Final Project Yuanjun Tao 2015 Fall QSTFE 459 at Boston University (BU) in Boston, Massachusetts. 7 documentation If you arrive at the Python documentation from another web site, make sure you are viewing the documentation for version 3. –Two modes: interactive mode (command Programming Guidelines. Task 1: Working with pandas. CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2005 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples: Section A1: Email: azs@bu. Classroom Meetings @ MCS B29 A1: Mon/Wed 10:10pm-11:55am Course materials o CASCS 108 at Boston University (BU) in Boston, Massachusetts. Please do Lab 0 on your own in advance. Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Computer Science Department CS 108: Application Programming, Fall Semester 2018 Course materials on Blackboard: http:/learn. It is usually helpful to have a print statement at the beginning of the function to print out what the values of the parameters are, and to have print statements before any return CS108: Object-Oriented Systems Design. CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Please report broken links to azs@bu. We will send an email to this address with a link to CS108: Introduction to Application Programming - people. Here is the grade distribution: Class meetings: Section A1 Tuesday and Thursday 3:30pm - 5:00pm @ MCS B31: Lab meetings @ CS teaching lab (EMA 304): Section A2 Friday 11:00am-12:00pm Section A3 Friday 1:00pm-2:00pm This is my final project for Introduction to Applications Programming. CASCS 108 at Boston University (BU) in Boston, Massachusetts. Costis Daskalakis on Sep 27th THINGS TO DO THIS WEEK: Fill out bonus quiz - "Getting to Know You" and Research Study Consent form – on QUERCUS Fill out bonus quiz - "Wellness Check #1" and Research Study Consent form – on QUERCUS MONDAY: Lecture on Strings - Join us on Zoom! Exercises + slides will be posted on Quercus. Topics may include software tools, software testing methodologies, retrofitting, regression testing, structured design and structured programming, software characteristics and quality, complexity, entropy, deadlock, fault tolerance, formal Moreover, if you have previously taken Java programming (e. After 'modifying' Gerald's grading scheme for Always include “CS108” in the subject. Welcome to CS108 for winter If you're feeling rusty, check ou the online practice problems-- these are a sort of prequel to CS108 ; First task: get Eclipse installed: The Eclipse IDE for Java Dev. HW Solutions. edu CS 108: Application Programming Syllabus: Spring Semester 2020 Our Teaching/Learning Method Our teaching-learning approach in CS108 that of a programming workshop, wherein students spend class time actively doing programming. The course introduces the various methods currently used in the industry and then focuses on the primary CS108 Lecture 12: Functions Syntax, Parameters, Return Values 2 Overview/Questions –What’s the point? –Writing functions –Calling functions –Formal parameters –Actual parameters –Scope rules and name spaces –Return values Examples for the CS108 class at Boston University. Gerald Fry gfry@cs. Get to know your file system! CS108: Introduction to Application Programming - people. Write a function full_name(first_name, last_name) that takes two string parameters first_name and last_name, and returns the full name in the form Lastname, Firstname. net: Ching (Jessica) Chang, Teaching Fellow Office: MCS 269 5/12/2011: CS108 is now complete, thanks for a great semester! Final grades have been posted and released. You must use an integer accumulator variable, and process each character of the string one at a time (inside a loop). , minimum in the first parameter (1,2,3), minimum in the middle Course website for CS108, Boston University. Course Description CS108 is an introduction to programming suitable for students not majoring in computer science. - GitHub - ttew-bu/CS108-Django-App: This is my final project for Introduction to Applications Programming. Mikhail (Mike) Breslav, breslav@bu. Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Computer Science Department CS 108: Application Programming, Fall Semester 2022 Course materials on Blackboard: https:/learn. Classroom Meetings @ EMA 302 Mondays and Wednesdays Section A1: 10:10am - 11 CAS CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science 1 The first course for computer science majors and anyone seeking a rigorous introduction. CS108 Final HW Requirements –Does some kind of useful function. edu CS 108: Application Programming Spring Semester 2022 Our Teaching/Learning Method Our teaching-learning approach in CS108 that of a programming workshop, wherein students spend class time actively doing programming. Eckel, Bruce: Thinking in Java, 2 nd Edition. 8/27/09: CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Section A1: Tues and Thurs 9:30 am - 11:00 am @ MCS 148 CS 108: Application Programming Syllabus: Fall Semester 2018 Teaching/Learning Method Learning to program is a skill that takes practice, similar to learning a sport or a musical instrument. The Englishness score will be calculated by multiplying the frequency of the letters in s, with the frequencies being found in the dictionary frequencies. Python Coding Conventions and Standards. Our expectation is that you will do most of the independent programming assignments (what used to be called BU ID: Complete Email Address: Address: Local Phone: Major: Current Year: Current GPA: Course Choices. If you have not taken the course, or if your grade is not yet CS108 Assignment 1: Phonebook Application, Analysis and Design Learning Objective This assignment will introduce students to system analysis and design. Tutoring hours (@ the undergrad CS lab): Tue 3:30-5:30pm; Thu 11:00am-12:00pm; and by appointment Course Description The main goal of this course is an introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming in the mageejo@cs. Get to know your file system! Homework help I need help with my homework. CS108 Assignment 1: Class Design Due Date: 3 February 2005 @ 5 PM Learning Objective Design, implement, and test a Java class that uses data composition. Tutoring hours held at undergraduate CS lab, EMA 302: Mon 5-7pm and Wed 5-6pm. 2 3 mageejo@cs. Test your function using these statements at the bottom of your Ile. I believe that the exam was challenging in the right ways, differentiating those who had prepared from those who had not. Schedule, Examples & Assignments. January 24th Lab 1 Introducing Eclipse, creating a project, building code, and using websubmit. Our internationally renowned faculty are as active in their research fields as they are engaged with their students in the classroom. Title: Microsoft Word - CS108_Assignment_1 A master’s degree in computer science from BU will arm you with the necessary practical and theoretical foundation of modern day computer and information systems. These are tutoring hours you may visit in addition to our regular TF hours. You can also visit tutoring hours, at the undergraduate CS lab (EMA 302). CS108: Introduction to Application Programming - people. (Recall that you built this letter_frequencies(text) function in With respect to CS108, plagiarism is specifically defined to include (but is not limited to) the following: * copying any part of someone else’s program, even if you have permission and/or have modified the code * sharing or giving your code or even a subset of your code to another student to review * reviewing another student’s solution (including from past Course website for CS108, Boston University. Please note: due to rush of finals and my traveling next week, I will not be responding to emails about grades until Tuesday, May 22nd. CS108 will cover a broad set of topics about application development, A rigorous introduction to programming for students not majoring in computer science. Overview: In this assignment, you will practice working with the Pandas toolkit. Looking for Piazza Careers Log In Please enter your bu. Header Comments CS108 Assignment 2: Method Implementation Due Date: 17 February 2005 @ Midnight Learning Objectives Bring them to class, or email me, azs@bu. edu) and use your account to log in. cas cs108 or cs111; qst fe445 The course will teach students how to use computational techniques to implement financial algorithms for security pricing and risk analysis including, bonds, stocks, and options. Problem Statement The registrar’s office needs to track vital information about students at the university. We will send an email to this address with a link to CAS CS 411: Software Engineering Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCS112) - Introduction to the construction of reliable software. Header Comments Covers a broad set of topics about application development, including basic programming concepts, testing and debugging, abstraction and design, and an introduction to data analytics. 7, since the Course website for CS108, Boston University. It is the student’s responsibility to know and understand the provisions of the CAS Academic Conduct Code, copies of which are available in room CAS 105. edu CS108 Syllabus Fall 2022. To make the best use of your at CS108: Introduction to Application Programming - people. Write a function find_min(a,b,c) that takes 3 parameters and returns the minimum of these three. edu Syllabus schedule WebSubmit download cs108. CS108 will use the Python programming language. –Interface via either web pages or PythonCard GUI. Covers a broad set of topics about application development, including basic programming concepts, Course website for CS108, Boston University. Frequently Asked Questions. Syllabus. Schedule and Assignments. edu Always include “CS108” in the subject Course description This course will introduce students to the software development lifecycle (specification, design/planning, implementation/coding, testing), and the major paradigms for CS108 is the best in class read range UHF RFID handheld sled reader in the market. Past Semesters CS108 is an introduction to applications programming. Get to know your file system! Send an email to your TF which includes your BU username, which homework you are asking about, your question(s), and you will get a response within 3 days. edu. Problem Statement Typical application development is conducted as a team effort. Frequently Asked Questions Class meetings: Section A1 Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am - 11:30am @ MCS 148: Lab meetings @ CS teaching lab (EMA 304): Section A2 Friday 11:00am-12:30pm Moreover, if you have previously taken Java programming (e. Notes: You will need to use the conversion function int(x) (to obtain the number of whole dollars with no cents) and str(x) (to convert the number into a string representation of that number). You cannot learn to play basketball by simply watching the Celtics; rather, you need to go to the gym and practice your shots. –Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, OS/2, Amiga, Palm Handhelds, Nokia mobile phones, and any device which supports Java. Always include “CS108” in the subject. Write a function find_min(a,b,c) that takes 3 parameters and returns the minimum This is my final project for Introduction to Applications Programming. azs@bu. edu email address to enroll. Every program file must begin with a descriptive header comment that includes your name, username/BU email, and a brief description of the work contained in the file. Labs will be meeting (as open labs) during the first week. 5. Always choose a random integer in the range of 1 to 100. Project Proposal. - ttew-bu/CS108-Django-App CS108 Assignment 2: Phonebook Application (detailed design and class structure). edu Always include “CS108” in the subject. DataFrame objects. Python 3. Covers a broad set of topics about application development, including basic programming concepts, Programming Guidelines. - Use control structures to develop simple algorithms to implement store, search & CS108: Introduction to Application Programming - people. Requests for review or re-grading of homeworks must be submitted no later than 2 Send an email to your TF which includes your BU username, which homework you are asking about, your question(s), and you will get a response within 3 days. CS108 Final Exam: How to Prepare 2 Written Exam Format Short Answer Questions –Questions will be similar to quiz questions –All lecture/homework topics are fair game –Expect to write no more than 2 lines of code –Expect to explain short sections of code that I give you. After you log in, you'll see your local drive on the left, and your home directory on the right. Students develop an understanding of the fundamental constructs and patterns present in all programming languages, with a focus on developing applications for end-users. Course Description. †QST QM 221 not required if student has AP credit equivalent to MA115 or has taken MA113, MA115, MA213, EC203, or PS211 Email: jching@cs. Send an email to your TF which includes your BU username, which homework you are asking about, your question(s), and you will get a response within 3 days. Recommended: Horstmann and Cornell: Core Java 2, Volume I – Fundamentals (7th Edition), 2004. We will meet in MCS 148 at 9:30 am. The grader will be awarding/deducting points for writing code that comforms to these standards. The only expectation of students' computer skills before taking this class is to be comfortable with using email, web Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Computer Science Department CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2005 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Aaron Stevens, azs@bu. Papadakis-Kanaris. 2nd edition, 2005. In particular, you will write several functions to perform descriptive statistics, plotting, and linear regression CS108 is an introduction to programming suitable for students not majoring in computer science. You should always follow these standards, and adherance will be rewarded in the grading. Questions? email me, azs@bu. You will become familiar with the steps required to analyze the requirements for an application and develop a high-level design. Refer to the class Coding Standards for important style guidelines. Begin by downloading this . , www. Main Criteria. The following coding conventions and standards apply to all work in CS108. Inside your function, use decision logic to identify and return the minimum value among the parameters. Course Staff Notes. Prereq: CAS CS108 or CS111; QST FE445 The course will teach students how to use computational techniques to implement financial algorithms for security pricing and risk analysis including, bonds, stocks, and options. edu Course objective: Introduce students to computer programming and application development. *Prerequisite to QST SM 323: The Cross-Functional CORE (Students take BA222 in lieu of QM222 if considering the Business Analytics concentration or in lieu of CS105, CS108, or CS111 if considering Information Systems concentration. Send an email with your question(s), and you will get a prompt response. In addition to the definition of plagiarism Required: Bronson, Gary: Object-Oriented Program Development Using Java. Requests for review or re-grading of homeworks must be submitted no later than 2 Sample Solutions for Homework Assignments. Develops computational problem-solving skills by programming in the Python language, and exposes students to variety of other topics from computer science and its applications. Who can I see? Your first point of contact should be your teaching fellow. jar javadoc for cs108. . Use strategically-placed print statements to reveal the values of key variables. Quantitative Reasoning II; QST BA 305: Business Decision-Making with Data Undergraduate Prerequisites: CAS CS108 or CAS CS111 or CDS DS110 or QST BA222 - Formerly MK476. Available free on CS108 at Boston University for Spring 2024 on Piazza, an intuitive Q&A platform for students and instructors. Also see tools link below for information about compiling mageejo@cs. Course Description Introduction to programming suitable for students not majoring in cs108 git initialize. It enables fast inventory of items on pallets, warehouse shelves, retail stores, and other tagged items in business processes where fixed reader class performance is required in a portable device. Contribute to szhang99-bu/cs108-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. ). We will send an email to this address with a link to Authur: Joe Zhou, This program is written in Python script. Recommended: CS108 Python Debugging Guide CS108 Python Style Guide The ASCII Character Set A tutorial on character code issues A brief overview of the IEEE Standard 754 regarding Floating Point Numbers UNIX manual pages A great tutorial on Windows Explorer. edu CS108: Introduction to Application Programming - people. Objective and Overview. edu CS 108: Application Programming Syllabus: Spring Semester 2018 Plagiarism, Collaboration, and Collusion All CS108 homework assignments are independent work. Please report broken links to azs@bu. Choose Your Own Adventure –You pick the subject, ideally from your major/other class. CS108 will cover a broad set of topics about application development, including: basic programming concepts, application decomposition and abstraction; data manipulation and programming with databases; graphical user interfaces; and debugging. Note: this is a summary of the rules found in PEP 8, the official style guide for Python code, written by the authors of the Python language. Use an if statement to decide if that character is a vowel, and if so, add to your count. The only expectation of students' computer skills before taking this class is to be comfortable with using email, web Python Coding Conventions and Standards. net: Ching (Jessica) Chang, Teaching Fellow Office: MCS 269 5/7/10: CS108 is now complete, thanks for a great semester! Final grades have been posted and released. java: 1/25/05: Declaring member variables Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Computer Science Department CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Spring 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Week of: Lab: Details: Week One Lab 0 Obtain a CS lab account, test your login credentials. "Europa" is the current version, although older versions should work. Write a function my_min(a,b) that takes 2 parameters and returns the minimum of these two. Objective: The objective of this assignment is to gain experience using the Pandas library, specifically working with DataFrame and Series objects. We will send an email to this address with a link to Course website for CS108, Boston University. This is a not-yet-published edition. For example, full_name('John', 'Lennon') would return 'Lennon, John'. net Yuting (Dana) Zhang danazh@cs. TUES/WEDS: Lab Session with TAs on BBCollab – on Video Describing the Web Application I made for CS108 at BU CS108 Introduction to Applications Programming Teaching Assistant at Boston University College of Arts and Sciences - BU CAS Questrom School of Business, Boston University View profile View CS108 Group Project Learning Objective In this project, you will learn how to interact with a team of software developers to propose, design, implement, test, and demonstrate a software application. Homework re-grades are NOT an emergency, and we will get to all of them well before the end of the course. BU Hub Learn More. What is Python? –Python is an interpreted language, with both procedural and object-oriented features. doc Author: Aaron Stevens Created Date: 3/4/13 CS108 Lecture 18: Databases and SQL Databases for data storage and access The Structured Query Language Aaron Stevens 4 March 2013 Computer Science What You'll Learn Today Computer Science We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing partners) and for cs108 git initialize. in high school), you should probably take CS111 instead of CS108. Examples Class Meetings & Announcements. Have a question? Your best options are posting it on Piazza (see the link in the navigation bar) which will make it available to all staff members. Programming Guidelines. Effective Fall 2018, this course CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2005 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples: Section A1: Email: azs@bu. Please choose the courses that you would like to grade for, along with the grade you received in each class, in the order you desire. CS108 Python Debugging Guide CS108 Python Style Guide: 1/4/11: CS108 will begin on Wednesday 1/19. –Stores/manipulates data either in files or sqlite3 database. Get to know your file system! Class meetings: Section A1 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00pm - 2:00pm @ MCS 148: Lab meetings @ CS teaching lab (EMA 304): Section A2 Thursday 9:30am-11:00am CS108 Python Debugging Guide CS108 Python Style Guide The ASCII Character Set A tutorial on character code issues A brief overview of the IEEE Standard 754 regarding Floating Point Numbers UNIX manual pages A great tutorial on Windows Explorer. to Computer Science II Welcome to CS 112! The first lecture of the semester will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Header Comments CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Spring 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Section A1: Tues and Thurs 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm @ CAS 226 CS108 at Boston University for Spring 2025 on Piazza, an intuitive Q&A platform for students and instructors. Save this file to the location where you normally save your Python code files so that it will be accessible from within your Python code. –Some Technical Details: Inheritance and Class Meetings & Announcements. The CS108 is used globally in many mission Undergraduate Prerequisites: QST IS223 and QST BA222 or CAS CS105 or CAS CS108 or CAS CS111 or CDS DS110 (co-requis ite /pre-requisite) - This course is designed to provide the students with an overview of Agile Development methodologies. Thank you for your patience! CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2005 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Please report broken links to azs@bu. Course Pack for CS108, Prentice Hall Custom Publishing, 2005. Write the function double_vowels(s) that will process the string s and return a new string, in which all of the Programming Guidelines. 0. edu) into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (e. Effective Spring 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Quantitative Reasoning II. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in the CS108 Syllabus Fall 2018(1). edu CS108 Python Debugging Guide CS108 Python Style Guide The ASCII Character Set A tutorial on character code issues A brief overview of the IEEE Standard 754 regarding Floating Point Numbers UNIX manual pages A great tutorial on Windows Explorer. CS108 Fall 2024 Home; Blackboard; Syllabus; Staff; Assignments; Resources; Collaboration; Python Visualizer; Piazza Discussion; The “Domain Name Service” is an internet protocol/service that resolves (translates) hostnames (e. –Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, CS108, plagiarism is specifically defined to include (but is not limited to) the following: • collaboration on the code you write • copying any part of someone else's program, even if you CS108 will cover a broad set of topics about application development, including basic programming concepts, testing and debugging, abstraction and design, and an introduction to data analytics. Write test cases at the bottom of your file to test all possible permutations of the parameters, e. edu mageejo@cs. Examples. Techniques and Tips for Debugging Judiciously Use Print Statements. This will be a rigorous, hands-on programming course to prepare students for quantitative jobs Credits: 4 Undergraduate Prerequisites: QST IS223 and QST BA222, CAS CS105, CAS CS108, CAS CS111, or CDS DS110 (co-requisite /pre-requisite) CS108 Group Project Grading Criteria (counts for 15% of total course grade) Project Deliverables – 50 percent of points . Dan Olteanu on Nov 13th; Grad Students can Become a Judge for Upcoming Spark! Hackathons; Distinguished CS Colloquium Talk by Prof. Prentice Hall, 2002. Sept 7 Lab 1 Introducing Eclipse, creating a project, building code, and using websubmit. 1/4/10: Check out the newly expanded Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Simply drag the files from right to left if you want to download, or from left to right if you want to upload. jar Announcements. 5/10/05: The grading of the final exam and projects is complete. CS108 Staff. Requests for review or re-grading of homeworks must be submitted no later than 2 1 Aaron Stevens 23 February 2009 CS108 Lecture 16: User Defined Classes 2 Overview/Questions –Review: the function of functions –Thinking about program structure CS108 is over!Final grades have been posted. - MSN Messenger: azs@aaronstevens. Tutoring hours (@ the undergrad CS lab): Tue 3:30-5:30pm; Thu 11:00am-12:00pm; and by appointment Course Description CS108 is an introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming in the Python programming Running winscp is a bit like putty, you enter a host (csa2. Tutoring hours (@ the undergrad CS lab): Tue 3:30-5:30pm; Thu 11:00am-12:00pm; and by appointment Course Description CS108 is an introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming in the Python programming Programming Links: The ASCII Character Set A tutorial on character code issues A brief overview of the IEEE Standard 754 regarding Floating Point Numbers UNIX manual pages A great tutorial on Windows Explorer. Covers a broad set of topics about application development, including basic programming concepts, testing and debugging, abstraction and design, and an introduction to data analytics. What problem/application will you study? Explain why this is an interesting problem/application. edu phone # 3-8921 Tutoring hours: Tuesdays 12-2pm @ MCS 211 Thursdays, 11am-1pm @ the undergraduate lab and by appointment: ANNOUNCEMENT: Grades will be posted around Friday, December 17, 2004. The joke is, often when we fix one problem, we discover several more! In this function you will use a indefinite loop and a random number generator to choose the number of bugs in the code. Category. Our expectation is that you will do most of the independent programming assignments (what used to be called “homework”) in the CS108 Python Debugging Guide CS108 Python Style Guide: 9/9/2009: The CS department grad students tutoring hours schedule has been posted. Course website for CS108, Boston University. For more information, consult the syllabus or contact Ms. csv, which contains several data series of interest for economics/social science inquiry. Executive Summary . edu Class Meetings & Announcements. Office: PSY 228B Office hours: Mon 3-5pm; Tue 2-3pm; Thu 9-10am Lab Meetings: Section A2 Friday 11:00am-12:00pm Section A3 Friday 1:00pm-2:00pm @ CS teaching lab (EMA 304) Chong Wang, Teaching Fellow CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Fall 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Section A1: Tues and Thurs 9:30 am - 11:00 am @ MCS 148 Week of: Lab: Details: January 17 Lab 0 Obtain a CS lab account, test your login credentials. Frequently Asked Questions CS108 Lecture 27: Graphical User Interface: Introduction 2 Overview/Questions –What is a Graphical User Interface? –What does it mean for a program to be event-driven? –What is the architecture/approach to develop a GUI application. 8/27/09: CS108 will begin on Thursday 9/3. Work roles include requirements Examples for the CS108 class at Boston University. CSV file: annual_data. Class meeting: Concept: Examples from class: 1/20/05: Declaring a class, creating an object: MessageObject. , 128 Programming Guidelines. Contribute to tilly-bu/cs108 development by creating an account on GitHub. AOL IM: azsteven MSN Messenger: azs@aaronstevens. CS108: Introduction to Application Programming, Spring, 2006 Contact Info Course Description Books & Software Labs Assignments Examples Please report broken links to azs@bu. Finally, you may use concatenation (the + operator) to join two strings together. bu. CS108 is an introduction to programming suitable for students not majoring in computer science. Covers a broad set of topics CS108 will cover a broad set of topics about application development, including: basic programming concepts, application A rigorous introduction to programming for students not majoring in computer science. Course goals: Stimulating the student's curiosity with respect to the computer; analyzing business problems for the purpose of developing computer solutions; and articulating a process to develop solutions to these business problems in the form of computer programs. We will send an email to this address with a link to CS108 at Boston University for Fall 2024 on Piazza, an intuitive Q&A platform for students and instructors. Office hours @ PSY 228B: Monday 3pm-5pm; Tuesday by appointment Thursday 11:00am-12:00pm Lab Meetings: Section A2 Thursday 2:00pm-3:30pm Section A3 Friday 9:30am-11:00am @ CS teaching lab (EMA 304) John Magee, Teaching Fellow Course website for CS108, Boston University. Get to know your file system! CS108 Assignment 3: Control Structures and Arrays Due Date: 17 March 2005 @ Midnight Learning Objectives - Use an array of object references to create a data structure. Tutoring hours held at undergraduate CS lab, EMA 302: Mon 4-6pm and Tuesday 4-6pm. After 'modifying' Gerald's grading scheme for Course objective: Introduce students to computer programming and application development. ymjxtg qqaz doas swlef uigwab ipzdua udqjy bnzmph pih zirpd