Twig query string /** * Implements template_preprocess_views_view_fields(). name',{parameter: value})"} %} Should be Aug 12, 2014 · Anyway, slice in twig also works with strings : The slice filter works as the array_slice PHP function for arrays and mb_substr for strings with a fallback to substr. I simply did this: {{ form_widget(form. Share Twig Cheatsheet #twig #timber #wordpress #cheatsheet #images #wp-query #wp_query #the_loop - twig-bag-of-tools. Detailed Answer Context. Twig components give you the power to bind an object to a template, making it easier to render and re-use small template "units" - like an "alert", markup for a modal, or a category sidebar: Percent-encodes a string as a URL segment or an array as a query string. getQuery('success') // returns only the value of 'success' Share Improve this answer Apr 19, 2017 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. {{ value it converts an array to be a query string. Add a new Twig filter by overriding the getFilters() method. Really struggling to get it as a string for twig. NET Core 2. yaml twig: globals: my_strtolower: '@=function("strtolower")' In your Twig template, the function can then be used like any other global variable or function: {{ my_strtolower('UPPERCASE') }} Oct 22, 2012 · I want to find substring of the string or check if there is no such substring using Twig. , PCDATA) and a match was defined based on identity of node labels in the twig query and the labels of corresponding nodes in the data tree. php on line 832. All Twig code follows a basic pattern that separates it from the surrounding HTML. Didn't work: adding |raw to {{ util_add_query_args Aug 17, 2015 · parse_url allows to split an URL in different parts (scheme, host, path, query, etc); here we use it to get only the query (test=123&random=abc). You could use Twig's split filter, though I don't recommend scripting too much inside templates. queryString to get the current query string – Carlos May 1, 2023 · I have a command i can produce to see the total number of referred users by referrers ID. Do not pass user input (like a field value or query string) directly to . The benefit of this method is that it'll preserve whatever is already in the query string, including things like gclid or other tracking parameters. Generates the file path inside an <a> element. absoluteUrl }} — for those who land here from a search and want to avoid using the deprecation notice to update it! DeveloperTLindel wants to test for existence of array key in Twig. without If I recall correctly Twig both arguments into a number and calculate the rest of the integer division. Problem. This default can be changed by calling the setDateFormat() method on the core extension instance. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte. Appending Query String To Twig Render Path Function Hot Network Questions In Catholic atonement theology, if God can save Mary from all sin without Christ, what was the point of Christ's death? Generate a path appending query string in Symfony2. I need to check if class parameter contains a given string: For example, I had a problem with explicitly setting a value in a choice (SELECT/OPTION) form type, as it required a string, but I got an int as a value. So, you'll just need to make sure that it's an actual array instead. request. Jan 18, 2017 · In my Twig template, I want to get all the users where the age field is 42 and then return the name field of those users as an array. twig of drupal. Apr 13, 2015 · Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. What you can do is write a Twig extension. The official Twig extensions related to strings, HTML, Markdown, internationalization, etc. theme file, add a hook_preprocess_page function. e. name, but, behind the scenes, Twig is smart enough to call getName(). For example, a single quoted string can contain a delimiter if it is preceded by a backslash (\) -- like in 'It\'s good'. We should ensure that Twig and [parameters / magicjoin] are not used at the same time (or that cache is disabled if we do so). In Craft 3, 4 and 5 this is now {{ craft. Sep 17, 2015 · Errno [8] Array to string conversion in F:\localhost\www\twig\include\lib\Twig\Extension\Core. I tried using . Jun 18, 2015 · To convert the array to a string, you should use Twig’s join() filter, which will concatenate the array values using a given delimiter string. Oct 22, 2014 · data. Th Nov 18, 2016 · thanks for the answer, but that doesnt help me too much. Explore Teams Jul 15, 2015 · I am trying to combine my wordpress project with Timber. 18. Feb 13, 2022 · I have a form that lets you search articles by date. May 23, 2009 · Proxy is NOT more performant when reading the code. Execute the query. Percent-encodes a string as a URL segment or an array as a query string. Or debugging the weird issues that result from not having a plain old JS object. {{ 'Read more'|trans }} I am really stuck on where to handle the translation for strings like these within the Drupal 8 installation. Latest version: 9. Jun 9, 2016 · Actully i think i found better solution, going to write replacement function for Twig's escape filter. Oct 14, 2016 · What you could do, is add a theme_preprocess_TEMPLATE function to include the GET params. When you determine that parsing query params is a bottleneck for your application, then you can use Proxy (or maybe ask why you have millions of query params in your URL). 0 MVC, C#, Entity Framework Core Code First and SQL Server 2016. Accessing session from TWIG template. This gives your Twig templates integration with any Laravel class as well as any other classes you alias. Basically, get an array of query parameters from the incoming request, then modify or add the one(s) we want to change, and re-ouput the query string. Use a query execution method to run the query and return results. How to generate url in twig passing parameters? 1. in a module or in the themename. The query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs. filter. all to get your query strings. Then we can parse the query with parse_str . Edit Oct 9, 2015 · Without the greatest possibility for testing i think i found the problem. The slice filter works as the array_slice PHP function for arrays and mb_substr for strings with a fallback to substr. query_string — may already contain a querysting like ?some_var=value&maybe_another_var=another_value but it can be different from one request to another. Within each pair, the field name and value are separated by an equals sign. Aug 28, 2013 · Is there any function for splitting a string into chunks based on a separator? The opposite of join filter. Can we use first and third party cookies and Jul 12, 2013 · Query. If the start is non-negative, the sequence will start at that start in the variable. Jan 13, 2024 · To add a global Twig function, specify it in the twig configuration using globals: # config/packages/twig. 0. Scenario: Aug 24, 2015 · First of all I would suggest that you don't mix two strategies. I googled and searched this issue in stackove Feb 24, 2016 · However, I have a few strings set directly in some if the theme . This means you can test for null (→ see Twig docs) like so: {% if craft. Apr 8, 2013 · I just can't get this to work: It should set var_2 based on the URL query string value of var_1 The problem is where I call var_1 with {{var_1}} I've tried various other methods but all throw Nov 24, 2020 · \$\begingroup\$ @mickmackusa Regarding Point 6. The filter filter filters elements of a sequence or a mapping using an arrow function. E. The order May 6, 2012 · Use the "~" operator. 1 twig how to render a twig template as a variable. x (latest version as of Wed 2017-02-08) Salut ! Pour récupérer les paramètres passés "en GET" dans Twig, tu peux utiliser app. Sep 1, 2016 · The query component is indicated by the first ? in a URI. twig" at line 45 I have a function in my model that checks whether the timestamp for the token has expired or not as show below. May 4, 2023 · Symfony 6. query. Instead I recommend to pass the value over to Twig from a preprocess function from inside your theme or a custom module via template_preprocess_views_view_fields. How to get in Twig intval - (int) If no format is provided, Twig will use the default one: F j, Y H:i. You can narrow that down to just the elements you care about by setting parameters on the query. Oct 9, 2011 · Twig string concatenation may also be done with the format() filter; Detailed Answer Context. app. schemeAndHttpHost ~ app. Read this article from Mathéo. - cocur/slugify There is an extension which, under certain conditions, either renders a template or returns only a string. symfony2 twig path with parameter url creation. 0\lib\Twig\Environment. 20. Add more than one parameter in Twig path. I can then pass that array to join(<br>) to print one name per line. ucwords: Uppercases the first character of each word in a string. Scenario: DeveloperGailSim wishes to do string concatenation in Twig Other answers in this thread already address the concat operator; This answer focuses on the format filter which is more # Types of Twig code. Dec 8, 2020 · Creating Custom Anchor tag helper for Encrypting Query string; Creating Action Filter Attribute for Decrypting Query String values; Custom Helper for Generating Encrypting URL in application; Getting Started with Encrypting and Decrypting Query String in ASP. Prior to the introduction of custom field column aliases in Craft 5. Symfony Twig Path function parameters, key defined by string. This repository provides an example PHP application using Twig templates to illustrate Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerabilities and a safe implementation. Oct 21, 2013 · I know this is not an answer to your specific question since you want to truncate to a certain number of characters, but something similar can also be achieved using CSS. id}, . is generating views serverside, what you obviously do with the twig templates. Because of this, this extension runs with 'is_safe' => ['html']. A common structure is, writing a service with some utility functions, write a Twig extension as bridge to access the service from twig. This is messing up the format of results. – DarkBee Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 11:04 When using single-quoted strings, the single quote character (') needs to be escaped with a backslash (\'). 121. If it were public, Twig would use it. Here is a page template example: In your mytheme. If you want to overwrite the default query, you can do that by overwriting posts in the context with a new query. Jan 10, 2020 · In this article, we will look at different ways to concatenate strings in a twig template. project_dir (showing the full path in a tooltip on hover). It gets the id from the url and the args from the query string. If the part exists in the URL then the value returned is a string. getQueryParam('afte Aug 21, 2020 · Adding this here which expands on the answer given here by @MiSHuTka (that answer work perfectly for most scenarios with cache data) Noting that both answers will not provide any extra query parameters in the destination query parameter. For each parameter, we would cache a new query and that would blow the cache size. the query unexpectedly retrieves additional null values May 28, 2017 · Appending Query String To Twig Render Path Function. id, question. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Twig templates are HTML files that are sprinkled with bits of Twig code. baseUrl }} Nov 10, 2016 · Craft 3, 4 and 5. Jan 4, 2017 · I remember after composer updating I got this error, but previously it worked perfectly, and in comparing the packages versions I didn't find differences. get, but they wouldn't do what I needed. {{ variable Jul 22, 2013 · The "correct" solution would be use your controller to provide a function to Twig rather than switching on the querystring. Symfony’s Twig extension provides two functions for generating URLs: ‘url’ and ‘path’. Feb 21, 2012 · All the others missed out query parameters that weren't part of the route, or relied on the controller and rather than Twig. ~ Convert both arguments into a string and concatenate The FacadeLoader extension allows you to call any facade you have configured in config/twigbridge. Here, you compare a bool with a string : if your string is not empty or if it does not contains only zeros, it will evaluate to true. Arguments Description; url: The URL value to parse. As per the docs:. The values are not URL decoded and the function does not validate the URL. andWhere()! Here, we’ve used a bound parameter ( :y ) to safely escape the input. This will be more robust and provide better security: Controller: Mar 31, 2016 · Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. If you want to change a param in Twig you can do this {% set queryParams = app. Generate url from parameters. In some cases it's empty, so in order to get a valid query sting i have to use util::add_query_arg() since it also covers such cases. symfony2 change url in twig without refreshing. 0, advanced queries such as this were still possible, but required that you build the field value SQL expression using To do that, it needs to make a database query to get those articles. First give a name to your route, in this case I have named it "myroute", of course you should use something more meaningful: By default, element queries will be configured to return all elements of the specified type. This package is a Twig extension that provides integration with the Symfony String component. blue', {'node': node. Make sure to include the paged parameter in the query. Converts a string to a slug. Furthermore, data values were required to be strings over an alphabet (i. You would get this: {% set c=a~b %} More info: The "+" operator: Adds two objects together (the operands are casted to numbers). How to get params in twig file. You can also have a look to the PHP manual to see how comparison are made with different types. page_1'), 'cookie[blue_referrer]': node. 1,045 3 3 gold badges 11 11 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges Sep 26, 2015 · Twig parsing must be performed before SQL parsing. Feb 9, 2011 · To replace a string which is stored in twig variables: {% set twig_content_variable= 'Testing to replace content'%} {% set replace_value_var= 'Testing' %} {% set file type: string line type: integer text (optional) type: string default: null. String interpolation allows any valid expression inside a double-quoted string. Twig now always encodes according to RFC 3986. Write the logic for decoding JSON inside your custom filter. Apr 14, 2014 · Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. To do it, I need to render twig templates through timber with wordpress global wp_query. Twig Documentation However, the notion of a twig in this paper was confined to tree patterns without ancestor-descendant relationships. theme file with PHP code List of available Twig filters in BranchCMS. The 'Results' template uses dates from the query string in an Entries Query like this: {% set afterParam = craft. Otherwise false is returned. html. "Never" -> how do you know what kind of situations any given coder will experience on a random hour of a random workday. For the examples in this article, let's consider the following variables: {% set foo = 'hello' %} {% set bar = 'world' %} Using String Interpolation. part: The single URL part to return. getQueryString() // returns the whole query string craft. So far I found out solution for twig, and it works Dec 3, 2019 · Currently my twig file looks like this, it displays some content: {% set field = Skip to main content Skip to search. g. Twig / PHP - Format string using Replace or Regex. The function breaks up a URL into different URL parts that exist in the passed URL. {{ app. The raw HTML code will be output to the browser without any tampering. DeveloperTLindel wants to trap any errors associated with undefined key. html files based on the presence of specific query string parameters. We are going to create a new application with Name WebQuery for demo as shown Parse and stringify URL query strings. 1. I've added a search: property to to my queryEntry object with the value of title and the query string. Follow asked Apr 24, 2020 at 11:55. blue_search. Oct 15, 2017 · I'm using ASP. php' with {'theUrl': "urlFor('route. Et pour générer une route avec des paramètres supplémentaires, tu peux les mettre dans le tableau que tu donnes à la fonction path(). 7 app, with Twig, I want to create generate pagination buttons. First, notice that I'm not saying question. {% set url_app_front = url('<front>') %} {% set url_app = url_app_front ~ 'app' %} Arrayapp twig function to generate absolute URL's. Slim Framework view helper built on top of the Twig templating component - slimphp/Twig-View current_url() - returns the current path, with or without the query Jul 8, 2018 · "You should never blindly turn querystring parameters into variables" Such statements are totally absurd. This would be a "cheap" solution for escaping the string: Two important things here. Jun 30, 2014 · The problem is very short. php. 9. Feb 19, 2022 · Guessing the issue is that your whereParams variable is actually a string, brackets and all – not an array. I am using the following string to generate the query in my twig template: Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 72. For example, if the age was 42 I would expect Twig to output: Fred<br> Alice The point is : you should not compare variables of different types. `id`) AS totalReferral, r. twig files, which is useful when you need to render something in your end- . If Twig replaces the parameters, it will destroy caching capabilities of the SQL query. In reality, when we say question. But I would like to add more fields. Where i check if variable is instance of class i want and then act like i want. You are simply adding the function inside a string and that does not give the parser an oportunity to resolve the method, because it's basicly just a string. Get URL variable in twig. No raw needed, and your stored values are human readable! – rybo111 Without any special modifiers (quotes, operators, or attributes), a query is assumed to be a single term, meaning all words must be present within the same attribute to match. 3: Support for encoding an array as query string was added in Twig 1. all %} {% set queryParams = queryParams|merge({queryKey: newQueryValue}) %} Jan 13, 2024 · To get the current URL in its simplest form, use the ‘app’ global variable along with the ‘request’ and the ‘uri’ attributes. x. I created a web form and all of my CRUD operations are working fine. But since it's not, Twig then tries to call a getName() method. Yep, we write question. getting route name not the route path in twig symfony. We're witnessing some Twig magic. if. 0. The public API of Twig always return a TemplateWrapper object. – coderaf Mar 31, 2017 · Quick Answer (TL;DR) A custom Twig filter array_unique permits removal of duplicates; This can be directly carried over from native PHP; Detailed Answer Context. Register your custom Twig extension as a service in Symfony. How to get Request object inside a Twig Extension in Symfony? 3. 3 How to pass query url parameter to a twig template Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP About The replace filter replaces placeholders in a string (the placeholder format is free-form): Mar 31, 2016 · craft. Also wondering if the other method mentioned in the recipe (render()) could be documented in the source?The Template class is an internal one. In the simplest form you can use it to test if an expression evaluates to true: Oct 13, 2018 · Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. Which means, it works just as well with snake_case as it does with camelCase etc. Use the custom filter in your Twig templates to decode JSON strings. field_my_link. Coder88 Coder88. . The first argument is the default format for dates and the second one is the default format for date intervals: Mar 11, 2023 · Update: this is now easier to use Storybook with Twig Components. 37. In Craft CMS I want to search for the search query value for only some fields/ multiple fields - but not all. 1. x , 2. slug or even question. 1, last published: 2 months ago. x (latest version as of Wed 2017-03-08) General-purpose use of the default filter. For example, the query salty dog matches elements with both words in the same attribute or field, but not elements with salty in one field and dog in another. NET Core. When using double-quoted strings, the double quote character (") needs to be escaped with a backslash (\"). Dec 19, 2012 · If you want the base URL to a Symfony application, you should use getSchemeAndHttpHost() concatenated together with getBaseUrl(), similar to how getUri() works, except without the router path and query string. scope, {'value': scope|trim}) }} scope was int, but trim (and other PHP functions, here as Twig filters) automatically makes it a string. in the example above it return the string for the variable "test". 0: The raw argument was removed in Twig 1. otherName|raw }} And this var doesn't exists. So, if – for instance – you want to join the values using a comma, this would be the code: Sep 7, 2015 · When I am using a code like this: {{ example. You can always make your own filter that performs the necessary comparison. When called by Twig, the PHP callable receives the left side of the filter (before the pipe |) as the first argument and the extra arguments passed to the filter (within parentheses ()) as extra arguments. {'query': { 'destination': path('view. 24. x; String building and concatenation; Problem. The order Apr 30, 2016 · Your PHP from your latest edit would translate into twig like this: {{ node. – Craig Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 21:03 May 7, 2017 · Never hard code the routes! Use the routing helpers in your templates. without Mar 1, 2015 · The code below should give you enough information to get started. the thing is that the object i try to call is for a language system and return me the language string i want. It provides the following filters: u : Wraps a text in a UnicodeString object to give access to methods of the class . Oct 27, 2015 · I am trying to add a query string to a link in my twig file for the purpose of jumping to today's agenda in jQuery FullCalendar, but the months are based on a 0-11 structure rather than the standard 01-12. I used it in this way in template: {{ inc Oct 19, 2015 · In a Symfony 2. I will get a notice: Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\httpdocs\Twig-1. I want to get element of that array by using that parameter. Twig 2. Scenario: DeveloperTLindel wants to test for existence of array key in Twig. Pass two parameters as one to TWIG url. Impossible to access an attribute ("email") on a string variable ("[email protected]") in "confirm-new-password. url }} This works like this, 0 returns the first item of the field item list, url gets the url object and because twig will cast this object as a string this will call the magic method toString() and will output the url as a string value. getParam('myparam') is not null %} My Parameter is included in the query string! {% endif %} The first two sets of results here will contain the expected elements—relatedDocuments modifies the base query, and then relatedArticles overwrites the type param—but the third will retain the last-set type value and apply additional dateCreated and orderBy params. How do I get a $_REQUEST variable? 5. After coming across 2 previous SO questions ( Symfony2 entity field type alternatives to "property" or "__toString()"? and Symfony 2 Create a entity form field with 2 properties) which suggested adding an extra method to an entity to retrieve a customized string rather than an entity attribute, I Oct 27, 2022 · Is there a "built-in" way in Drupal-Specific Twig to get full path including query string? Under "built-in" I mean "without preprocessing it in a PHP code", e. You can use app. The arrow function receives the value of the sequence or mapping: Jan 13, 2024 · Create a new PHP class that extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension. name, Twig first does look to see if the name property exists and is public. 3. A few notes: to parse a file use parsefile instead of parse; you can also use 'level(1)' instead of '/root/*' New in version 1. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Releases; Contact; The value must be a string. New in version 1. 3. is passing raw data (with AJAX or like your example with the json_encoded array parsed into a JS Object), and then generating the table with JS DOM manipulation. php Jan 26, 2015 · I have this entity in my symfony project: /** * Batiments * * @ORM\\Table(name="batiments") * @ORM\\Entity * @ORM\\Entity(repositoryClass="MySpace\\DatabaseBundle I'm trying to access 2 entity properties on an Symfony2's entity field type (Entity Field Type). 2. Twig get url parameter with [] 0. When it returns a string, I want to escape it, but when the render is done, the render handles the escaping. hope you understand what i mean. md Skip to content All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Jan 4, 2016 · There's no need to url-encode the parameter of the query string in the first place, as it's already done by the function that generate the path. Here’s an example: This line of Twig code will output the full URL of the current page, including the query string if present. widont: Inserts a non-breaking space between the last two words of a string. If the path is inside the kernel root directory, the kernel root directory path is replaced by kernel. The "+" operator cannot be used to combine strings. Aug 4, 2015 · A parameter with no value set returns an empty string '' for craft. Nov 20, 2023 · The above technique allows you to access HTTP GET request parameters from Shopware's storefront . SELECT COUNT(r. Questions & Feedback You are really close. *: I'm just saying question. This will concatenate your two strings. Symfony2 Route prefix querystring dynamic. May 28, 2016 · Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. where: Filters an array by key-value pairs. The values returned can include: query - the value after the question mark ? Mar 21, 2012 · Appending Query String To Twig Render Path Function. There are 9291 other projects in the npm registry using query-string. Apr 17, 2015 · If you need to stick user to some condition base on route path (I will advice you use SEO urls instead of GET query) and then use it as stick filter for some behavior on other pages, then you can do such listener: Then you could create a Twig filter with automatic escaping, since you can trust the HTML to be safe. But if the whole parameter is not included at all, it returns null. 6. id, 'cookie[blue_type]':'node' }} The url_encode filter percent encodes a given string as URL segment or a mapping as query string: Internally, Twig uses the PHP rawurlencode or the http_build_query function. archive-event. 8. Switch to the documentation for Twig 1. getParam(). If the part exists in the URL then it will be returned. `referrer_id` FR Mar 31, 2019 · What I'm trying to do is generate a new Custom Post Type called report, add a taxonomy, query the reports, and then generate a shortcode in the format of [report_listing category="general"] to disp Oct 25, 2024 · Example of pagination with Twig. Twig template files printed out like ex. Twig templates are HTML files that are sprinkled with bits of Twig code. twig; query-string; Share. First, you are manually joining the reponse entity instead of using your association. "Query string" might be a synonym (this term is not used in the URI standard). Dec 5, 2013 · The title is quite self-explanatory: I need to read a HTML file through jQuery and store its contents into a string variable. To see all available qualifiers, @kalenjordan you should use Twig_Loader_Filesystem instead of Twig_Loader_String, and than write something like this: Feb 24, 2017 · Its not possible to access any PHP function inside Twig directly. The equals sign may be omitted if the value is an empty string. 16. But you can use app. The if statement in Twig is comparable with the if statements of PHP. Then in your page. The Twig extension will use the service and your controller can use the service too. Without any special modifiers (quotes, operators, or attributes), a query is assumed to be a single term, meaning all words must be present within the same attribute to match. Start using query-string in your project by running `npm i query-string`. Some examples for HTTP URIs with query components: Jul 9, 2019 · I am trying to select a path that is equal to (http: // myweb / app) in html. On the words, I need analogue of 'strstr' or 'strpos' in php. Oct 14, 2016 · Note that in this case, I would actually recommend you just pass along that from the request object in your block: #name => \Drupal::request()->query->get('name'), make sure you define it as well in your hook_theme(). You are reading the documentation for Twig 3. Calling Codeigniter 4 controller with '+' in parameter value. Feb 11, 2015 · Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. php(332) : eval()'d code on l Jul 10, 2020 · How to retrieve query string value which contains Hash character. values: Returns all the values in an array, resetting its keys. Twig uses hashes where PHP uses associative arrays. 12. twig you can render it like this: You can create a Twig function to achieve this. How to access a url parameter in template using Symfony (not within the Oct 26, 2022 · An example of a taggy title would be "Drupal Twig How can I get current path with query string in a template?" Sometimes the tags are bracketed, sometimes they are not, but either way, they aren't very clear, and are trying to duplicate the tag system. Improve this question. For example limiting to the fields title, introduction, cardContent. load and $. I mean something like explode in PHP. x . This can be handled using the default filter. PhpStorm (as with most IDE's) does a fine job of finding spelling mistakes regardless of which "case" style you prefer. 3 includes a new MapQueryParameter attribute to map and validate individual query string parameters to controller arguments. I have got an array with integer keys, and parameter which is the string. For this, I'm using URL, but when trying to concatenate an array (which would be url ('<front>') with a string returns ArrayString) obviously this is wrong. All Twig code follows a basic pattern that separates it from the Symfony2 / Twig dealing with getting URL query string values. So to fix your code just convert the array syntax to a hash literal: path('blue_general. 22. This tells Doctrine to grab everything from question. Questions & Feedback You are reading the documentation for Twig 3. When Twig loads a template, the first thing it will do is separate the raw HTML code from the Twig code. g: In TWIG you would call it as: The parse_url function parses a URL and returns its components. {% include 'partials/partial. vieg qcubl jjprr ahqtkk ywsdewo hpgzk pxwr gfq pmlmp kgck