Citibank hk. with limited liability.

Citibank hk Apply for Citi Credit Card to satisfy your craving right away! From now till Feb 3, 2025, new customers 1 apply for the following designated Citi Credit Card via this website 2 and accumulate eligible spending of HK$6,000 3 to get an exclusive limited-time welcome offer of Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation) All services provided under Global Banking Services are subject to availability and local regulatory restrictions and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited does not guarantee the availability of any of these services in any markets Citibank operates. You may also visit Citi Commercial Bank Hong Kong’s official WeChat THE GOLD CONVERSATION Understanding you and your financial needs. Citi積分換埋賺埋嘅The Point積分,點用最精明? 梗係將The Point積分轉換為Point Dollar 7 ,去新地商場2,000+間參與商戶當現金使用 8 喺推廣期內仲可以額外賺相等於 10% The Point積分回贈 9,10 ,真正畀您賺上賺!. New Client refers to non-existing banking clients of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited and / or Citibank, N. Enjoy global view of all your Citibank® accounts, free instant global funds transfer to other overseas Citibank® accounts & more. 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 The stated monthly repayment amount, total interest and APR are for reference only. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited and/ or Citibank, N. Investment products are not eligible for U. HKTVmall Spending on Thursday will enjoy 5% discount,: Terms and conditions apply. ABOUT CITI REGULATORY DISCLOSURES IMPORTANT NOTICE WAYS TO BANK TERMS & CONDITIONS PRIVACY CAREERS SITE MAP. At Citibank, we are committed to support you throughout your wealth journey. on the first HK$300,000 balance in your Citi Interest Booster account. do&#x3f;path&#x3d;&#x2f;noscript. Would love it when you can open new products like funds etc. Citibank ® Online Market Insight facilitates you in exploring market opportunities and making effective investment decisions. You can clearly feel that the bank is now taking much more care of the app. 5 million x 60%) - HK$1. 其他citibank的swift代碼. 供款穩定: 最優惠利率通常保持相對穩定,每月供款因而較為穩定。 利率波動低: 這種穩定性讓您能更有效地進行財務預算,並降低供款突然增加的風險。 節省按揭利息:倘最優惠利率低於其他按揭利率基準,您便會因較低的利息費用而受惠,從而節省按揭利息。 Citibank 的國際個人銀行戶口,讓您更能掌握海外財富管理和環球投資的選擇。現在申請開立 Citi 離岸戶口,可獲得最高港幣 28,000 元的現金回贈。 Want to get the AirPods Pro? Wait no more. hk/privacyc 參閱私隱條款了解更多。 國際個人銀行中心 4間專設的國際個人銀行服務中心,駐有國際客戶經理團隊,時刻準備為您服務。 Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited and/ or Citibank, N. , or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or insurance agency, unless specifically stated. S. What's more, our partnership with London Stock Exchange Group (“LSEG”) enables us to provide timely stock market insights and analysis HK$400服務月費將適用於所有香港國際個人銀行服務Citi Priority客戶,包括持有任何「每日平均總結餘」之客戶。 Citigold客戶必須保持「每日平均總結餘」達HK$1,000,000或以上,如結餘不足達三個月則須繳付HK$300之服務月費(香港國際個人銀行服務客戶:HK$500)。 The Citibank HK app is getting better and better. 第1步: 登入後 -> 按 -> 選擇「卡和戶口」 . 無論您有任何人生大計或不時之需,需要即時資金周轉,Citi信用卡貸款服務都可以幫到您。Citi信用卡讓您隨時靈活運用信用額,即時從信用額套現再按月分期攤還,坐享更強理財實力。 A. Upgraded and reimagined to bring you a seamless digital banking experience. Avail this offer with Citi Cards and Citi World Privileges. Call our Mortgage expert or make an enquiry online! 能否為財富發揮最大價值,取決於您選擇的銀行是否適合您。只有Citi 真正明白您。無論您是Citigold Private Client 或 Citigold客戶, Citi財富管理更懂您心,更多選擇,更高人一等的財策管理 。 SWIFT code: CITIHKAX * Bank Name: Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited Bank Address: Citi Tower, 83 Hoi Bun Road, One Bay East Bank code: 250 Branch code: 390 * Full name of your Citi account; Your Bank account number (8 digits) Your address (if needed) Earn up to 16% cashback to wallet at Booking. Unless otherwise specified, the offers are only applicable to principal and supplementary cardholders (the "Cardholders") of Citi Prestige Card ("Eligible Card") issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ("Citibank"). Remarks. com. We’ve launched a new mobile banking experience based upon your feedback. OTA #, be reimbursed the unused irrecoverable prepaid and additional travel-related costs upon curtailment of trip up to HK$50,000 (VIP plan) or HK$25,000 Citibank uses cookies on this website to give you a better browsing experience. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or insurance agency. with a Important Disclaimer: Portfolio Power (the "Facility") is a general purpose credit facility. There are over 1000 mutual funds from around 40 world-renowned providers at Citibank with a wide range of asset classes, including: bond funds, equity funds and balanced funds, RQFII funds and funds denominated in RMB, etc. Capture any upside potential on foreign exchange market movement with the increased investment power. 第2步: 選擇新卡 -> 並依照螢幕指示啟動新卡 Citibank Foreign Exchange Margin Trading is designed for investors who are experienced in foreign exchange investment. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or investments agency. 05% 年利率. A. 尋找花旗銀行的pps商戶編號嗎?隨時隨地都可以交稅、交信用卡卡數、水電煤雜費等任何費用。即使你正在出國旅遊或長期定居海外,也能輕鬆繳付香港的費用。 基金投資服務是由專業基金經理管理,分散投資於各項股票、債券及其他證券,讓投資者有機會享獲資本增值潛力及/或定期收入。 Learn more about mutual fund investment & management here. 交稅可以邊Pay邊賺?想交稅、繳費更靈活從容? 依家即刻去Citi Mobile ® App嘅Get More登記,完成以下3個攻略,就可以輕鬆交稅繳費, 賺 高達HK$4. October 2021) Author: SE:W:CAR:MP Subject: Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting \(Individuals\) Citibank 人民幣服務憑著多元化的人民幣投資產品及服務,助您把握每個為財富增值的投資良機,是您人民幣投資出路的首選。立即申請,增加您的投資選擇及增值機會。 Citi私人貸款提供一系列貸款產品及不同利率,以滿足您的財務需求。馬上在網上比較各類貸款,並申請私人貸款,過程輕鬆簡單,即享我們的獨家優惠! Citibank opened its first office in Hong Kong in 1902. To know more, click here. For full control of your finances, you have to be able to access your account information round the clock wherever you are. Online Banking and Investment Center from Citi International Personal Banking Hong Kong gives you the convenience of managing & growing your wealth anytime & anywhere. We offer a competitive edge of Foreign Exchange Margin Trading with 8 currencies 其他Citibank的SWIFT代碼. At Citibank, we are pleased to provide a wide selection of high quality funds to meet your individual needs. Just a moment please. We bring you a digital banking platform that is so simple and convenient, it’s like having a bank in your hands. Citibank HK花旗銀行客服,電話,官網,電郵等聯絡方式. An enhanced Citi Mobile® App re-engineered by you. Here’s a quick breakdown: Hong Kong bank codes are used as unique identifiers for each Hong Kong bank, and are also used along with the branch code and account Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the above mortgage plans without prior notice. It serves as your personal financial advisor by tracking and evaluating your account spending, and endeavoring to help you manage your expenses with personalized financial insight. Please check on our website (“Rates & Fees” > “Interest & Foreign Exchange (FX) Rates of The Day”) for the latest board rate. 6-8 Glee Path - Citibank New Territories ATMs. AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Privilege Ultra Scheme is a Certified Plan under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) by the Health Bureau of Hong Kong which offers you a wide range of medical protection with choices of geographical cover, while you can apply for tax deduction on your qualifying premium. Enjoy stock trading on the go with our powerful and intuitive mobile platform Citi Mobile ®. (HK$5. , Citigroup Inc. It provides an integrated online financial channel including video commentaries, quick access of real-time market data (market indices, stock quotes, foreign exchange rates), financial news, market analysis and award-winning research Citibank's Renminbi services help you grow your wealth, realize every opportunity in the market and provide a comprehensive RMB investment solution. Access the latest factsheets, prospectuses, and annual reports at a glance. 國家/地區:中國香港. 1/F, Retail Area, Citi Tower, One Bay East, 83 Hoi Bun Road - Lam Tin (USD,JPY) Shops 4A19 & 4A28, Level 3, Sceneway Plaza, 8 Sceneway Road: Mei Foo (USD,JPY) Portion of Shop 71 and 70A on Ground Floor, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, No. 一開戶就有0. For enquiries, call our Mortgage Hotline at (852) 2963 6489. Citibank結構性產品是由股票、指數、外幣或利率作為基礎資產組成的混合型投資。 與標準存款相比,投資回報潛力較佳。 非常適合希望在資產類別、行業和地區進行分散投資的投資者。 <meta http-equiv="refresh" id="mtaJSCheck" content="0; URL=&#x2f;HKGCB&#x2f;JPC&#x2f;portal&#x2f;LoadSimplePage. 收到新卡後,請於90日內啟動新卡。客戶可以透過Citi Mobile ® App、Citibank網上理財、Citibank櫃員機或親臨分行啟動新卡。; 您可透過Citi Mobile ® App或致電24小時Citigold Private Client專線(852)2860 8888為您的新Mastercard ® 扣賬卡啟動網上購物及感應式付款等功能。 For enquiry, please contact Citi Commercial Bank at commercial. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right of the final approval of all loan applications. Unless otherwise specified, this Promotion is valid from now until December 31, 2025, both dates inclusive ("Promotion Period"). The Bonds is a product of the issuer and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is acting as an agent in the transactions of the Bonds. As our Citigold® Private Client and Citigold® clients, you could now connect with your dedicated Relationship Manager with Citi Live Chat regardless of your geographic location. Bundled with a HIBOR-Based Mortgage plan; Enjoy a high interest rate on your deposit with annual interest rate equivalent to the mortgage rate and flexibility to withdraw cash at any time 「指定公共交通服務」指: 港鐵: 包括以下港鐵路線及服務: - 機場快綫 - 迪士尼綫 - 東鐵綫 - 港島綫 - 觀塘綫 - 南港島綫 - 將軍澳綫 - 荃灣綫 - 東涌綫 - 輕鐵 - 屯馬綫 - 輕鐵接駁巴士服務 : 巴士: 以下專營巴士提供之所有路線: - 城巴 - 九巴 - 龍運巴士 - 新巴 渡輪 Check out the latest property market news and updates from Citi Hong Kong and Cushman & Wakefield Limited. You can apply for the plan either as a standalone plan Important Information: This is a structured product involving derivatives. It looks nice and getting a lot of useful new features. Citibank uses cookies on this website to give you a better browsing experience. For credit cards, the maximum withdrawal limit depends on individual credit limits or a daily withdrawal limit of HK$40,000, whichever is lower. Schedule a The maximum daily withdrawal limit remains unchanged: HK$20,000 for Citibanking ® clients and Citi Priority ® clients; HK$40,000 for Citigold clients and Citigold Private Clients ®. reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. 每次認購的最高金額是多少? With Citibank's mortgage refinancing, convert the value of your mortgaged property into cash, and enhance your savings with reduced interest payment on the mortgage loan. To know more and open offshore account, click here. Your team of wealth management advisors could now offer you financial services beyond boundaries. (Citibank, N. Citibank Online provides secure online banking services. With Citigold Online / Citibank Online, you can enjoy the comfort and convenience of viewing your account details updated to the last business day so that you always know exactly where you stand. iPhone/ iPad/ iPod Touch. Whether you’re at the start of your career or looking to discover your next adventure, your story begins here. It has 15 branches for operating retail banking. persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdiction. We’ve launched a new mobile banking experience based on your feedback. citibank 在 香港 的營運中有 2 個主要的 swift 代碼。 請注意,citibank 可能在 香港 和世界各地的其他地點,為不同分支和服務提供其他 swift 代碼。 citihkaxxxx - citibank (hong kong) limited, kwun tong; citihkaxipb - citibank (hong kong) limited, kwun tong YOUR CITI CREDIT CARD BOOSTED REWARDS ON SAMSUNG PAY; Citi Cash Back Card: 3% cash back on all spend: Citibank M1 Card: Citibank SMRT Card: Citi PremierMiles: 2 Miles per dollar: Citi Rewards Cards: 10X Rewards point per dollar: Citi Prestige Card: 5X Rewards point per dollar: Citi Ultima Card: Citibank Clear Platinum: 1X Rewards point per Citibank provides information on the most up-to-date Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates. Start your investment journey with us and enjoy up to hk$48,000 cash rebate or 500,000 Avios points. CITIGROUP. Full Merchant List – For the Use of The Government of the HKSAR. Citi provides comprehensive insurance plans, including travel insurance, personal accident insurance, life insurance, home insurance and so on, click here for more Insurance promotions. The marketing/business development function of the Bank is organised in a way that enables us service our clients in the various market segments optimally. Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong SAR Assistant Vice President, Middle Corporates Relationship Manager (Consumer & Retail and Business & Professional Services), Citi Commercial Bank - Hybrid 在使用Citi Mobile ® App 債券投資平台進行債券交易前,您需要開立債券戶口,並完成投資風險評估及填妥有效的美國稅務表(W-8BEN表格)。 您亦需具有債券的相關知識及經驗。如欲更新的投資風險評估或相關知識及經驗,請登入Citi Mobile ® App後選擇「 」 > 「投資服務 」> 「投資風險評估 」或 「知識及 花旗銀行在本網站使用Cookies為您提供更佳的瀏覽體驗。如您繼續瀏覽本網站,即表示同意其私隱條款及我們使用Cookies。請瀏覽 citibank. Citibank stock trading services are designed to capture investment opportunities with efficiency and confidence. html&#x26;JFP_TOKEN&# With our new “Wealth 360” feature of Citi Mobile ® App — a first-in-Hong Kong one-stop wealth management function, you can view all of your personal finances in just one App. 56% a 的實際年利率。 成功申請送您高達HK$8,000現金券!(按此了解私人貸款產品資料概要) Citi 特快現金讓您輕鬆面對出乎意料的財務需求,並具備多項優點,包括靈活還款期等。 Citi Credit Card "Quick Cash" Installment Program ("the Program") is only applicable to designated Citibank principal credit cardholders (each an "Eligible Cardholder") as stated in the terms and conditions set forth herein and as communicated to the Eligible Cardholder from time to time (whether in writing or orally by telephone or otherwise) (the "Terms and Conditions"). 每年度免費專享12次機場貴賓室服務,服務範圍覆蓋全球指定50多間環亞機場貴賓室。每位客戶只需於每次享用環亞機場貴賓室服務後30天內,簽賬滿hk$5,000,便可免費享用該次服務。 想享受更全面的服務,先要對服務有更深的了解。Citi®為您帶來各種應用資訊,由下載實用資訊和申請表格,以至最低還款額計算方式等,全都應有盡有,讓您知多一點,做個精明消費者! As a valued client of Citigold Private Client and Citigold, you can now enjoy Buy-2-Get-2-Free buffet offer and priority booking in The Hong Kong Jockey Club Citi VIP Box from September 8, 2024 to July 16, 2025. hk/patnc for detailed Terms and Conditions. Citibank offers a range of banking services including credit cards, loans, and investment options. Citi Priority • HK$500,000 or above, or • HK$200,000 with HK$50,000 monthly salary deposit * Fill in personal information and make an appointment at branch to complete the application Apply online (around 8 minutes 每一階段所需累積本地零售簽賬的金額 於同一階段可獲額外回贈之指定簽賬類別 最高額外回贈金額; 所有本地零售淨額簽賬累積滿hk$5,000或以上 (a) 指定簽賬類別單一淨額簽賬滿hk$500或以上,可獲高達 5%額外回贈 YOUR CITI CREDIT CARD BOOSTED REWARDS ON SAMSUNG PAY; Citi Cash Back Card: 3% cash back on all spend: Citibank M1 Card: Citibank SMRT Card: Citi PremierMiles: 2 Miles per dollar: Citi Rewards Cards: 10X Rewards point per dollar: Citi Prestige Card: 5X Rewards point per dollar: Citi Ultima Card: Citibank Clear Platinum: 1X Rewards point per 賺10% The Point積分回贈. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited and you out of the selling Citi全方位升級繳付賬單及轉賬服務,只須有對方手機號碼便可經「轉數快」即時進行本地跨行轉賬。透過Citi Mobile® App 或網上理財,您更可以輕鬆進行海外轉賬,無論本地或海外轉賬,都更快捷方便。此外,兩大功能令付款變得更簡單。「自動轉賬平台」讓您設立及整合不同商戶的自動轉 Citibank ® Online Market Insight facilitates you in exploring market opportunities and making effective investment decisions. To invest in the stock market & seize the stock trading opportunities, click here. Learn more about the latest press releases of Citibank Hong Kong announcement and new launches of banking products and services. Staying up to date with the latest HK property market developments can help you to make informed and timely investment decisions. It provides an integrated online financial channel including video commentaries, quick access of real-time market data (market indices, stock quotes, foreign exchange rates), financial news, market analysis and award-winning research Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the above mortgage plans without prior notice. 6 million: Cash rebate: 1% (Maximum: HK$16,000) How To Apply. 8% p. Organized under the laws of U. Apply for Citi The Club Credit Card to choose up to HK$2,000 upgraded exclusive offer! 花旗銀行(香港) 提供全方位的銀行服務,滿足您的企業和個人理財需求,包括信用卡優惠﹑特快低息私人貸款﹑財富管理﹑投資及保險等服務。立即登入,享受花旗銀行的各種精彩優惠! 每個按揭計劃都有不同的優勢,助您實現成為業主的夢想。Citibank的按揭計劃包括賺取存款高息回報兼享低息按揭借貸的計劃以及物業轉按,多種計劃中總有一種符合您的需求。 The business is based on strong, enduring relationships and is driven by innovation and leading edge technology. 推廣期內最高賺25,000 The Point積分 (價 想邊買邊賺獎賞?唔使等!成功出張Citi信用卡即可享受豐富迎新優惠! 即日起至2024年10月2日,新客戶 1 透過此網頁申請 2 以下Citi信用卡並憑卡累積認可簽賬滿 HK$8,000 3 , 獨家賞您限時迎新獎賞 — HK$1,600現金回贈 ** ! 早出卡早享受,仲唔立即行動? 使用信用卡,遇上服務上的問題,需致電 銀行熱線 ,尋求客戶服務主任協助。但致電銀行熱線,需聽完指示,才知道要按哪個數字,再聯絡到客戶服務主任真人對話,過程頗為冗長。為方便大家,小編今次列出各銀行及金融機構信用卡客戶服務真人對話按鍵捷徑,讓大家盡快獲 Citibank Foreign Exchange Margin Trading is designed for investors who are experienced in foreign exchange investment. Cardholders of Eligible Card will be awarded 1 Point per HK$1(or equivalent foreign currency) charged (“Basic Point”); extra 4 Points will be awarded per HK$1(or Citibank offers suitable global mortgage for overseas property purhases, while our overseas mortgage experts are always ready to answer your enquiries. Citi特快現金讓您隨時擁有額外現金,還可享受低至1. a. 無論您想了解多啲我哋嘅產品,又或者喺管理戶口時需要幫手,我哋都好歡迎您透過Citi Mobile® App「Messaging 服務」聯絡Citi服務主任!我哋好樂意解答您嘅疑難,仲會儘快覆您,等您可以節省喺電話等候嘅時間,盡情享受生活! Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Chinese: 花旗銀行; Cantonese Yale: Fākèih Ngàhnhòhng; formerly 萬國寶通銀行; Maahngwok Bóutūng Ngàhnhòhng) is the division of Citigroup that operates in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. 8 = 1里 或 1. 嚟緊有唔同嘅旅遊大計?子女準備去海外升學?甚至有海外置業嘅打算? 無論您有咩外幣兌換需要,依家都可以透過Citi Mobile ® App隨時隨地享用Citi外幣優惠戶口投資外匯! 除咗有多種貨幣選擇,您仲可以靈活設定協議匯率及投資期,投資外匯同時獲取利息收入! Information listed on this webpage is with the permission from the merchants for facilitating supplier selection by the Government of Hong Kong SAR. On deposits beyond HK$300,000, you’ll earn interest at the prevailing board rate. 簡單日常任務 boost 活期利率高達2. Citigold wealth management products and services provide financial solutions to help build and protect your wealth. Citibank 在 香港 的營運中有 2 個主要的 SWIFT 代碼。 請注意,Citibank 可能在 香港 和世界各地的其他地點,為不同分支和服務提供其他 SWIFT 代碼。 Business entity registration information for Citibank (hong Kong) Limited. 05% 年利率 1 ,您放喺Citi 利息Booster戶口嘅首30萬港幣存款就可以賺到更多利息 現在只需要透過網上遞交申請之所需文件,便可加快批核程序!請在所有必須填寫的欄目輸入資料並上載相關文件。 供款穩定: 最優惠利率通常保持相對穩定,每月供款因而較為穩定。 利率波動低: 這種穩定性讓您能更有效地進行財務預算,並降低供款突然增加的風險。 節省按揭利息:倘最優惠利率低於其他按揭利率基準,您便會因較低的利息費用而受惠,從而節省按揭利息。 *The installments from the Citi Credit Card “FlexiBill” Installment Program and Citi Credit Card “PayLite” Installment Program are billed to the Citi Credit Card account monthly similar to a normal retail purchase and are subject to usual finance charge if you pay/ had paid less than the statement balance indicated on your current or 立即申請Citi信用卡,享受各種現金回贈、獎賞及旅遊服務,全面滿足您的生活所需。利用您的Citi信用卡,取得精彩優惠及禮遇。點擊此處立即探索。 Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited 嶄新理財服務 全新Citi Priority ® ,為您呈獻一系列簡便銀行服務及尊尚禮遇,不但助您贏盡時間,同時累積財富、投資增值。 Citibank Hongkong. Investments involve risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. Enjoy exclusive offers, rewards and discounts with Citi Plus® and Citi NextGen. Pay all your bills with Citi PayAll and earn credit card points or cash rebates! New user can earn up to HK$900 extra rebate. You are now leaving the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited website and entering a third party site. 無論首次置業﹑再置業﹑物業套現或轉按等, 均可透過花旗銀行進行免費網上物業估價,快速計算每月供款及利息支出,找出適合您的按揭計劃。按此立即進行物業估價! You’ll need a few details to send or receive money internationally. The Gold Conversation is designed to provide your Relationship Manager with a comprehensive understanding of your current financial position, goals and needs, before determining the most Citi Hong Kong provides you free mortgage property valuation service, with up-to-market information. 如果您突然需要一筆額外現金以應付突如其來嘅開支點算好?只要你有Citi信用卡就可以喺全球 任何Citibank或支援相關發卡機構網絡嘅自動櫃員機即時透支現金,助您輕鬆應急 ! Join Citi International Personal Banking in Hong Kong by opening an offshore bank account. Unless specified, these investments are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank N. A. To enjoy Citi Hong Kong services to the fullest, below are the useful forms for you to set up new account services and update your account information. Faster loading times, cleaner navigation, and, as ever, total focus upon your Title: Form W-8 BEN (Rev. Legal address, headquarters, subsidaries and parent company records. Email: pcard-worldpay@swiftpass. Terms & Conditions for Credit Card Credit Limit Increase 2024 Shopping Vouchers Offer (November 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025): 「Citi Plus」客戶可透過Citi Mobile® App 全新互動界面處理理財需要: 「Citi Plus」全數碼理財體驗 Citi 利息Booster 個人化理財資訊 投資涉及風險,投資者應在決定投資前了解有關產品之特性。 關於花旗集團 花旗集團為一間世界級的銀行,服務全球超過 160 多個國家及地區約 2 億名客戶。 Unless specified, these investments are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank N. 5% instant discount every Thursday*: Discount will be instantly reflected in HKTVmall payment page upon choosing to use Citi HKTVmall Card Payment Channel and entering the relevant coupon code. 啟動途徑 啟動步驟; Citi Mobile App 「Citibank HK」 從App Store or Google Play下載 Citi Mobile ® App 流動理財手機程式。. Insurance Offers & Promotions - Citibank Hong Kong b) Citi私人貸款之提早還款費用(按提取貸款確認書內所列出的費用率及貸款本金計算)。 優惠不能與其他推廣優惠同時使用。 Citi稅季貸款、Citi特快現金及Citi卡數結餘轉是Citi私人貸款的產品,受Citi私人貸款的條款及細則約束。 At Citi, you’ll have the opportunity to expand your skills and make a difference at one of the world’s most global banks. 55% 年利率 1; 只要完成4個日常任務,包括「儲錢」、「入錢」、「碌卡買嘢」同「投資 2 、唱外幣或買保險」就可以解鎖boost利率; 加加埋埋年利率最高有成2. Citi, Citibank, Citi and Arc Design used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. Today, we are one of the largest foreign financial institutions in Hong Kong. Citibank HIBOR Deposit-Linked Mortgage Plan Features & Benefits. The credit limit of the Facility is determined with reference to the aggregate margin value of the eligible deposits in the Currency Manager and/or the aggregate margin value of the eligible investment products and may be revised by the Bank from time to time. 8%簽賬回贈 ,同時有機會盡享 高達HK$15,200獎賞 ! 話咁易Pay,仲可隨時飛! The speed you need for the simplicity you want. It provides an integrated online financial channel including video commentaries, quick access of real-time market data (market indices, stock quotes, foreign exchange rates), financial news, market analysis and award-winning research commentaries Citibank ® Online Market Insight facilitates you in exploring market opportunities and making effective investment decisions. 無論您外遊公幹或安坐家中,都可透過Citibank一系列銀行服務,處理您的財務事宜。無論是網上或流動理財服務,以至城中多部自動櫃員機,都可讓您從容使用各項銀行服務,滿足您的理財需要。 ‎The speed you need for the simplicity you want. hk. Citibank 提供客戶推薦獎賞等按揭推廣優惠。成功網上申請,專享精彩現金禮遇。密切留意網上最新資訊,隨時獲享精選獎賞!立即申請,實現上車夢想﹗ “Use Citi Credit Card to enjoy 7% off selected hotel bookings at Agoda” Year-Round Offer Terms and Conditions: 1. with limited liability. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our privacy policy and our use of cookies. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank, N. To apply the overseas mortgage, please contact your Relationship Manager or visit your The "Citibank HK" mobile app puts instant property valuation at your fingertips. A6 : You can earn up to 1. General Terms & Conditions 1. 1. Transfer funds, pay bills, check your balances, and access your rewards, benefits, eStatements and eAdvices – all in one secure place. hk@citi. COM. Citibank環球理財服務讓您享用不同的服務以達至環球財富管理,例如出外旅遊、移居外地、進行海外投資、出國留學等! Citibank提供各種私人銀行服務及戶口計劃,例如Citibank、Citi Plus 及環球理財,助您管理資金。馬上在網上比較各類銀行服務,並立即開設銀行戶口,享受我們的服務。 使用Citigold戶口,享受一系列優越銀行與財富管理服務以及獨家推廣活動、獎賞及優惠。加入Citigold,即可賺取高達HK$41,600現金回贈。 At Citibank, we are pleased to provide a wide selection of high quality funds to meet your individual needs. Get rewarded for your online shopping with the Citi Octopus Credit Card! Spend HK$5,000 or more and receive a HK$250 city'super voucher. com, or dial our hotline at (852) 2957 7777. Offer valid till March 31, 2025 機場貴賓室服務. Offer valid for local and overseas purchases. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the structured products unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Join Tech Citibank Online. 7 million = HK$1. 結構性產品是指其表現與股票、指數、商品和滙率等相關資產掛鈎的投資組合。投資Citibank的結構性產品,分散您的投資組合。 Apply for travel insurance plans through Citi Hong Kong to protect you and your family in the event of an unexpected travel emergency & get exclusive offers. Terms & Conditions for Citi PayAll Service: Please visit citibank. Portfolio Financing services from Citibank provide extra capital to seize investment opportunities. Access your Citi account, apply for credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance and more. Your dedicated Citigold ® Relationship Manager puts you and your needs at the heart of the Gold Conversation. Discover various wealth management solutions! Citigold客户必须保持“每日平均总结余”达HK$1,500,000或以上;花旗私人客户业务必须保持“每日平均总结余”达HK$ 8,000,000或以上。 在分行开户成功后,我将会收到什么? You will be protected against the issuance of the Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) # in the following ways: Before the trip: within 7 days before the departure date of the Journey, upon Red OTA #, be reimbursed up to 50% of the irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance, up to HK$50,000 (VIP plan) or HK$25,000 (Classic plan);; within 7 days before the departure date of the CitiBusiness 資金管理 services are tailor-made solutions for you to manage your company's cash flow with greater convenience and efficiency. 分類:中國香港 點擊進入 Join Citigold and open a Citi NextGen Account for your child to enjoy preferential time deposit rate and up to HK$42,100 rewards Citi NextGen Account is tailored for teens aged 11-17 to get an early head-start on independent financial management, and you can 現在您可透過Citi Mobile 建議投資組合(不論是一次過投資還是基金精選儲蓄計劃)的最低認購金額為HK$100。如果您更改建議的投資組合,您可能需要為自選的基金支付更高的最低認購金額。 4. Our Global Consumer Banking offers you a complete range of world-class financial products and services through our retail branches in Hong Kong and through our digital platforms. Citibank Hong Kong 提供全面的網上理財服務,包括股票、基金、外幣兌換、轉賬和繳款等。[END]>"""def generate_snippet(data): 如透過流動裝置登入Citibank網上理財,請您注意必須加強安全設定。 Citibank網上理財. Step 1 Open Citibank HK apps > Choose "Product & Services" Step 2 Choose "Property Valuation" Step 3 Citi, Citibank, Citi and Arc Design used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. For further details of terms and conditions applying to any mortgage plans, please contact Citibank. An APR is calculated based on the guidelines as set out in the Code of Banking Practice and rounded up to the nearest two decimal places. hk/privacyc 參閱私隱條款了解更多。 想享受更全面的服務,先要對服務有更深的了解。Citi®為您帶來各種應用資訊,由下載實用資訊和申請表格,以至最低還款額計算方式等,全都應有盡有,讓您知多一點,做個精明消費者! 請瀏覽 citibank. 人們對“第一桶金”的定義已從hk$200萬上升到hk$240萬 4,5 。 香港人三大儲蓄目標為環遊世界、買樓及提早退休 4,5 香港人的個人資產有六成(60%)為現金及銀行存款,但這些資產的升值能力遠遠追不上通脹 4,5 。 使用Citibank Rewards Card,所有流動付款可賺5X積分,Mastercard感應式支付可賺3X積分,並可以Pay With Points即時抵銷簽賬。 想邊買邊賺獎賞?唔使等!成功出張Citi信用卡即可享受豐富迎新優惠! 即日起至2024年10月2日,新客戶 1 透過此網頁申請 2 以下Citi信用卡並憑卡累積認可簽賬滿 HK$8,000 3 , 獨家賞您限時迎新獎賞 — HK$1,600現金回贈 ** ! 早出卡早享受,仲唔立即行動? 現在只需要透過網上遞交申請之所需文件,便可加快批核程序!請在所有必須填寫的欄目輸入資料並上載相關文件。 使用Citibank Rewards Card,所有流動付款可賺5X積分,Mastercard感應式支付可賺3X積分,並可以Pay With Points即時抵銷簽賬。 想邊買邊賺獎賞?唔使等!成功出張Citi信用卡即可享受豐富迎新優惠! 即日起至2024年10月2日,新客戶 1 透過此網頁申請 2 以下Citi信用卡並憑卡累積認可簽賬滿 HK$8,000 3 , 獨家賞您限時迎新獎賞 — HK$1,600現金回贈 ** ! 早出卡早享受,仲唔立即行動? With Citibank stock exchange & security trading services, get access to 4 major stock markets. , Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank, N. Apply now! (HK$20,000 or equivalent and HK$40,000 or equivalent for Citibanking and Citigold clients respectively) whichever is lower. Apply now to get portfolio financing for your investment. , organized under the laws of U. with limited liability) (collectively, “the Bank”) and clients who had a banking relationship with the Bank in the last 12 months from the account opening date. It provides an integrated online financial channel including video commentaries, quick access of real-time market data (market indices, stock quotes, foreign exchange rates), financial news, market analysis and award-winning research Investment products are not bank deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by, Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank N. Download it for free now. Citibank (Hong Kong)'s address of the principal place of business is Citi Tower, One Bay East, Citibank 国际个人银行账户,为您提供海外财务管理服务,助您把握环球投资机遇。现申请 Citi 离岸账户,即享高达 HK$28,000 现金回赠。 Remarks: * The above promotions are subject to Citi The Club Credit Card - General Terms and Conditions and related Clubpoints Rebate Program Terms and Conditions. With our total solution, you can handle your daily payments and HR administration with ease. fji gxij zodqf camfk phtvsd zigeel rur tvjg xvv dzdr